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Ditch the Dishes, it’s time to Refill Your Cup: 10 Mom-Approved Self-Care Tips

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but let’s be honest, it can also be a relentless marathon. Between endless diaper changes, school runs, and the ever-growing mountain of laundry, it’s easy to lose sight of yourself in the daily chaos. Here’s the truth: you can’t pour from an empty cup.

This article isn’t about adding another chore to your already overflowing list. We’re talking about self-care, the essential act of prioritizing your own well-being. Forget the guilt trips about “taking a break.” Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.

So, mamas, put down the dishcloth and get ready to discover 10 simple, mom-approved self-care tips. Let’s ditch the dishes and refill your cup, because a happy and recharged you makes a happy and loved-up family.

1. Take a 5 min walk

Taking time for a walk even if it’s just a 5-minute stroll around the neighborhood can be a gamechanger for your mental and physical health. Aside from the vitamin D and fresh air you get from being outside, it can aid in better sleep, better mood, curbing stress and giving you the energy you need for the rest of the day.

2. Get active

We get it. Hitting the gym might be the last thing you crave after a long day… But hear us out! Exercise doesn’t have to be a daunting commitment. Studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that even one moderate-workout session can significantly improve your sleep and ease anxiety. Short on time or motivation? No sweat! Bust a move with a fun YouTube dance video, or unwind with some gentle yoga stretches before bed. Every bit of movement counts towards a happier, healthier you!

3. Bake a delicious treat

Do you find kneading dough therapeutic? If whipping up a delicious treat is your happy place, bake something that brings back warm memories or sparks pure excitement. Blast your favorite tunes, throw on some comfy clothes, and let the kitchen become your personal sanctuary.

4. Nap

Forget the guilt, mamas! Naps aren’t a luxury, they’re a necessity. While catching those precious Zzz’s when your little one does might not always be an option, grab the chance whenever you can. Think of it as a superhero recharge – a quick power nap that leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle anything. And if you have a willing partner or family member on hand, don’t hesitate to delegate and sneak in some shut-eye. Trust us, a well-rested mama is a happy mama!

5. Actually get dressed

Let’s face it, moms on the go, whether at home or the office, can easily fall into a comfort-first routine. But listen up, mamas! Taking a few minutes to get ready for the day, even if it’s just swapping your PJs for some comfy leggings and adding a pop of color with earrings, can work wonders for your mood.

Think of it like this: putting on “real clothes” (even if they’re still cozy!) is a small act of self-care that signals a shift from sleep mode to “ready to tackle the day” mode. You’ll be surprised by the confidence boost a simple outfit change can bring, making you feel more put-together and ready to conquer whatever motherhood throws your way.

6. Re-Watch Your Favourite TV Show

We all have those shows – the ones we can rewatch a million times and still laugh out loud. Maybe it’s the quirky humor of Friends, the mockumentary awkwardness of The Office, or something else entirely. Whatever your pick, there’s a reason it became your comfort watch. So, grab your favorite blanket, a cozy drink, and prepare to rediscover the joy (and maybe a few forgotten plotlines) of your feel-good TV show.

7. Commit to a nightly skincare routine and take your time

We all know the struggle. You have a cabinet full of skincare products, but between endless to-do lists and tiny humans demanding attention, a luxurious self-care routine feels like a distant dream. But here’s the secret: even a few stolen moments can make a big difference!

Repurpose what you have: Most of us already have some basic skincare essentials on hand. Dust off those forgotten products and schedule a mini spa session for yourself. Light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and indulge in a simple at-home facial. No fancy products? No worries! This is where the magic of DIY skincare comes in. With a few kitchen staples like green tea, oats, or honey, you can whip up a nourishing face mask that’s gentle and effective.

Remember, even a small step towards self-care is a step in the right direction. Let’s reclaim our radiant glow, one mindful moment at a time!

8. Watch old videos of your kids giggling

Dive into a memory vault! Pop open your phone or laptop and revisit some of your favorite videos of your little ones. Whether it’s their contagious giggles during bath time or their first wobbly steps, seeing their pure joy is guaranteed to melt away stress and fill your heart with warmth. Those happy memories are sure to put a smile on your face.

9. Call your best friend

Does your little one have a predictable naptime routine? Seize that golden window for some quality social connection! Schedule a phone date with your bestie and catch up on life. You’d be surprised how a 30-minute conversation can lift your spirits. Share stories, laugh together, and feel the weight of the day lighten as you reconnect with loved ones.

10. Meet a friend for Brunch


We all know the power of a good heart-to-heart. Sometimes, the best therapy is catching up with a close friend. Whether it’s a coffee date, a leisurely lunch, or a cozy brunch, simply spending time and talking it out can work wonders. Feeling like staying in? Host a friend over for a relaxing cup of tea and a chat. Sure, reaching out might feel like a hurdle, but trust us, the connection and support you gain will leave you feeling recharged and ready to tackle anything.

Let us know which self-care tips work for you!