Child Psychologist Assessment
At ONE Intervention Centre, our Assessment by Child Psychologistare designed to Identifying Learning Gaps and Areas for Growth. Designed by Grace Teo, our Founder and Paediatric Psychologist, these assessments are established around 7 Pillars of Growth to accurately discover your child’s needs.
We offer specialised support for children with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, GDD, and Down Syndrome. Our assessments provides the insights needed to tailor personalised programs for your child’s success.
Step 1
Personal Information
Child Name:
Step 2
7 Pillars of Growth
▢ Behavioural
▢ Emotional
▢ Academic
▢ Self-Helped Skills
▢ Social
▢ Physical
▢ Speech & Communication
Step 3
Key Findings
• Identify Learning Gaps
• Provide Feedbacks to Parents or Caregivers
• Setting Realistic Goals
• Tailored Education Plans
• Early Intervention for Developmental Delays
• Tracking Progress
Step 4
Your Priorities and Considerations
► Programme Structure
► Child’s Schedule
► Child’s Progress Monitoring
► Long-Term Goals
► Logistic Concerns
► Financial Considerations
Step 5
Recommendation of Programmes
✓ Personalise Programme
✓ Recommendation
✓ Enrolment
✓ Follow Up
✓ Feedback
Assessment by our child psychologist, help us Understand Your Considerations, Goals, and Priorities.
This allow us to provide the most effective support to fit your specific situation.
Areas of Support
7 Pillars of Growth
▢ Behavioural
❏ Behavioural management (Anger / Anxiety / Impulse)
❏ Self-Regulation
❏ Attention and Focus
❏ Oppositional Defiant Behaviour
❏ Understanding and Following Rules
▢ Emotional
❏ Emotional Awareness
❏ Emotional Expression
❏ Emotional Regulation (Anger Management)
❏ Stress Management
❏ Self Awareness
▢ Academic
❏ Identifying Learning Style
(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
❏ Reading & Writing Skills (English / Chinese)
❏ Math (Problem Solving & Calculation)
▢ Self-Helped Skills
❏ Personal Hygiene
❏ Daily Living Skills (Eating / Dressing / Toilet Training)
❏ Time Management
▢ Social
❏ Peer Relationship
❏ Social Skills (Understanding Social Cues)
❏ Empathy
❏ Cooperation
❏ Social Adjustment
▢ Physical
Gross Motor Skills
❏ Balance & Coordination
❏ Strength & Endurance
❏ Body Awareness (Body Position & Body Parts)
Fine Motor Skills
❏ Hand-Eye Coordination
❏ Finger Dexterity (Using finger task – E.g. Buttoning & Zipping)
❏ Grasping & Pincer Grip
▢ Speech and Communication
❏ Articulation
❏ Fluency
❏ Comprehension
❏ Expressive Language
❏ Language Disorder
ONE Intervention Centre establishes Seven Pillars of Growth to Identify Learning Gaps, combined with our holistic Q Pulse Approach, to provide targeted support, strengthen areas of need, and foster the holistic development of each child.
Assessment Outline (60mins)
Introduction & Interview (10mins)
• Introduction to Child Development & Assessment
• Gather Information about Child’s Development, Concerns, and Goals
Assessments (20-30mins)
• Administer Appropriate Assessment Tools Tailored to the Child’s Age and Developmental level
Recommendations (20mins)
• Explanation of Assessment Results
• Feedback
• Understanding Priorities and Considerations
• Discuss Potential Area for Intervention
Questions & Answers (10mins)
• Clarification and Address any Misunderstandings
• Offer Additional Resources or Support as Needed
* This is a general outline and may be adjusted to adapt to the specific needs of each child.
Assessment Tools
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (AEPS): 0 to 6 years old
• A developmental screening tool used to identify children who may be at risk for developmental delays
• Gather Information about Child’s Development, Concerns, and Goals
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS): 0-18 years old
• An assessment tool that measures adaptive functioning, including self-help, communication, and social skills
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC): 2-18 years old
• A comprehensive assessment tool that measures behavioural, emotional, and social functioning
• Used for children and adolescents
The Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement (WRIT): 2 to 20 years old
• A standardised achievement test that measures academic skills in reading, math, writing, and oral language
The Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills (DCIBS): 5 to 18 years old
• A standardised assessment tool used to measure academic skills
• Assesses a wide range of skills, including reading, writing, math, and oral language
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC): 6 to 16 years old
• A standardised intelligence test that measures verbal and performance intelligence
Our experienced Child Psychologist uses a Combination of Assessment Tools to establish the Seven Pillars of Growth and evaluate your child’s learning gaps.